About Us

We are a not-for-profit organization  closely working on issues related to sustainable environment. We are engaged in consultancy in furthering relevant Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and also support in research & development of respective solutions. We are aggressively working in the domain of  Re-Purposing ,upcycling, Waste Management, Renewable energy, Alternative fuels ,  Smart cities development etc., and aspire to engage respective stakeholders accordingly. We are passionate advocates for a sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle. We are focused on inspiring, educating, empowering and spreading awareness and acceptability amongst  Academia, Industry, Start-ups and Government agencies along with the public at large  to make mindful choices that positively impact the environment and pave the way towards a greener, cleaner future. We work closely with different Self help groups (SHGs) in curating products of asthetic importance & furthering the cause of sustainable developmental goals (SDGs).

Our Mantras

Explore to identify different unconvetnional ways in which a waste can be utilized.

Always try to maximize usage of a product, before finally discarding it as a waste.

Reduce dependcy on fossil fuels and optimize reliance on renewable sources.

Refuse as a noun and a verb.

Reduce your contribution towards landfill.

Explore repair before you ultimately reject.


"Working towards a Sustainable Tomorrow: Alleviating the Effects of Global Warming and Climate Change."

Our Focus Areas


We aspire to motivate people for a creative and innovative approach in utilizing discarded materials and transforming them into something useful, aesthetic, or even artistic. This practice not only contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing waste but also encourages imagination and resourcefulness.


Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising alternative to gasoline-powered cars, as they offer several advantages such as reduced emissions and improved energy efficiency. We aspire to contribute towards the EV Ecosystem through by spreading awareness and collabrating for accelarating EVs penetration in semi urban and rural areas.

Waste Management

Waste management is the responsible handling of waste materials to minimize its impact on the environment. It involves reducing, recycling, and disposing of waste in safe and efficient ways. Our Mantras are guiding lights . We believe that it is our ( everyone’s ) duty to contribute towards sustainable environment.


Hydrogen, as an
energy carrier, is getting crucial for achieving decarbonization of high emitting sectors.
Many sectors such as iron ore and steel, fertilizers, refining, methanol, and maritime
shipping emit major amounts of CO2, and carbon-free hydrogen has potential to play a
critical role in supporting decarbonization.


Solar energy has potential to mitigate the impact the impact of climate change and global warming. By embracing clean, renewable power from the sun, we can lessen our carbon footprint, mitigate the worsening  impact of traditional energy sources, and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Our Alignment with SDG Goals

Current Challenges With Environment

  • India generates over 62 million tons (MT) of waste in a year. Only 43 MT of total waste generated gets collected, with 12 MT being treated before disposal, and the remaining 31 MT simply discarded in wasteyards.
  • India is generating about 3.5 million tonnes of plastic waste annually compare to more than 350 million tonnes at world level. 
  • Out of 30 most polluted cities in world, 22 are in India.( ‘World Air Quality Report, 2020.
  • The 2022 average temperature across global surfaces was 1.55°F (0.86°C) above the 20th-century average of 57.0°F (13.9°C) – the sixth highest among all years in the 1880-2022 record.(IPCC)
  • Indian transportation sector is responsible for 11.5% of emission of as percentage of total emission caused by fuel consumption (world bank). India has more than 30 crore motor vehicle and the numbers have grown on an average by 9.82% over last ten years.
  • 24 lakh Indians die per year due to air pollution. WHO reports Over 7 Million deaths every year.
  • The cost of dirty air is equated to 5.4 percent of India’s GDP . Globally, Air pollution costs $2.9 trillion , equating to 3.3 percent of the world’s GDP.
  • India is third-largest emitter of GHGs in the world, accounts for about 7% of global emissions.(Global Carbon Budget report)
  • In 2021, CO2 emissions from transport for India was 286 metric tons(Global Carbon Budget report).
  • The 10 warmest years in the historical record have all occurred since 2010.
  • India has an 82.8% import dependence for crude oil and 45.3% for natural gas.India’s crude oil import bill surged 76% to $90.3 billion in the first half of 2022-23.
